BREAKING: ISIS 'execute five British spies' as they issue chilling terror warning to UK - The Unimaginable!!

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Sunday, January 3

BREAKING: ISIS 'execute five British spies' as they issue chilling terror warning to UK

 In a haunting propaganda video, a child speaking with a British accent points out where the executions will take place.
He says: “We will kill the the kuffar [non believers] over there."
The terror group’s five helpless victims, dressed in orange jump suits and wearing handcuffs, are filmed as they speak to the camera in Arabic.
With five shackled prisoners kneeling in front of him, the masked gunman speaking in a British accent then taunts David Cameron.
He describes the Prime Minister as an "imbecile" before shooting the hostages, who were accused of spying for the British security services, in the back of the head.
The executioner was filmed saying: “Your children will pay for your deeds.”

He goes on: “How strange it is that we find ourselves today hearing an insignificant leader like you.”
"How strange it is that a leader of a small island, threatens us with a handful of planes.
"One would have thought, you would have learned the lessons of your pathetic master in Washington, and his failed campaign against the IS.
"But it seems that you, just like your predecessors Blair and Brown are just as arrogant and foolish. In fact, David, you are more of an imbecile.
"Only an imbecile would dare to wage war against a land where the law of Allah reigns supreme. And where the people live under the justice and security of Shariah.
"Only an imbecile would dare to anger a people who love death the way that you love your life."
The video, which was thought to have been filmed in the desert in the self-declared ISIS stronghold of Raqqa, has not yet been independently verfied.
Shock waves were sent through Britain last year when horrifying videos of the gruesome murders of David Haines and Alan Henning were posted online by ISIS.
Mr Haines, 44, from Perth in Scotland, was captured by the evil terror group in March 2013 while working for a French charity in Syria.
While Mr Henning, 47, of Salford, was taken hostage while delivering food and supplies on an aid convoy to refugees in Syria in December 2013.
The videos of their separate horrific murders were met by shock and disgust from British public figures across the nation.
ISIS was also behind the executions of American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, American aid worker Peter Kassig and Japanese journalist Kenji Goto.
The latest propaganda from the twisted jihadis comes just months after footage was released appearing to show caged prisoners being lowered into a swimming pool to drown.
Other sickening killing methods filmed for the world to see include hostages being beheaded and burned alive.
The deplorable video comes after Britain extended RAF airstrikes against the barbaric terror group in war-ravaged Syria from Iraq.
Posterboy Jihadi John is noticeably absent in the video, just months after he was reportedly killed in a US airstrike.


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