The Importance Of Sugar Cane - The Unimaginable!!

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Tuesday, January 5

The Importance Of Sugar Cane

Sugar cane commonly known as Rakia in Hausa has numerous benefit and usage. Sugar cane cannot only be for sugar but can be use for other purpose because the juice in sugar cane is not just a juice but one of the healthiest drink with lot of nutrient in it like calcium, chromium, cobalt, copper iron vitamin a –b6 and many more which can put a lot of natural and artificial energy drink to shame.
Sugar cane as a plant grows among tropical tall perennial grasses where dirt, sand podzol, coarse or red sand can be found and which is directly adjacent to water. It can also be planted next to flowing water.
Speaking with a sugar cane seller, mohammed Hassan he said sugar cane can also grow naturally where there is flowing water like erosion that it doesn’t need sunlight to grow.
Hassan stated that sugar cane plant grows annually but produces in large quantity and is sweeter during summer period despite the fact that it needs more water to grow and not sunlight.
The reason behind sugar being a popular drink during summer is because it gives an instant kick of energy and can easily quench thirst. That is why it is a good source for glucose which helps to boost energy.
In addition even through sugar cane juice tastes very sweet and has sugar content it is good for diabetic patients this is because it contains natural sugar which has low glycemic index that prevent steep rise in blood glucose level of a diabetic patient, so it act as substitute of aerated drink for them, but for people with type 2 diabetics they should take it with moderation.
More so sugar cane fights against infection and likewise boosts the immunity system of the human boy because of the antioxidant in it. It can also protect liver from infection and help the bilirubin level in control.
Sugar cane plant not only has importance but also has what been use for production of fertilizer. Sugar cane when combined with other ingredient including lime can generate the production of organic fertilizer which helps to improve the quality of soil.
Also sugar cane help in the production of tobacco, molasses and pure sugar can be added to tobacco to create a sweet testing mixture traditionally smoked through a hookah. Known as “shisha”.
Sugar cane is one of the few things that digest without too much pressure and it also aid digestion. In as much as much as sugar cane has numerous advantage. It is essential to get it in a hygienic way and is to be consume immediately extracted because it becomes oxidize within 15 minute.


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